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Making Friends

Positive Relationships help children learn how to get along with others, how to cooperate, how to compromise and be mindful of others’ feelings.

When children are able to develop these skills, they are equipped for success in their relationships with others; both adults and peers.

In turn, we as the adults and caregivers act as role models to the children when it comes to positive relationships.

Here are some books that help foster positive relationships:

1. I can Share - Karen Katz

2. Bear feels Scared - Karen Wilson

3. How to be a friend - L. Kransy Brown

CRAFT: Making Friends

For Preschoolers and older, you will need:

- Poster paper

- Markers and coloring materials

Simply have the materials out and have the group draw a friend (this can be a person, an animal, a cartoon character, etc..) and every time a body part is added, a good quality of a friend would be written about it as well.

i.e. After drawing a mouth, you can write ‘ A good friend uses kind words’

For Toddlers and younger children, you will need:

- Poster paper

- Markers and coloring materials

- Photos that describes good qualities of a friend (like hugs, high five, a smile, etc..)

Have the poster ready with a drawing of a person, animal or cartoon character to represent the ‘friend’, discuss with children what the photos mean (two kids holding each other’s hand can mean HELPING).

Have children choose a photo and attach it to the Poster.

**for child care centres, you can also adapt this to be a reminder poster for when you have a Field Trip or Special activities.

For Home, you will need:

- Poster paper

- Markers and coloring materials

- And/or Photos that describes good qualities of a friend (like hugs, high five, a smile, etc..)

Same instructions from the Preschool/Toddler activity but simply change to ‘sibling/brother/sister’. This can also be adapted to being a good family member in general.

You can attach photos from the house and things that the family do together.


Do share your finished posters with us!

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